ASK AMY Beach house vacay could take a toll
Author of the article:
Amy Dickinson ⢠Special to Postmedia Network
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Article contentDear Amy: Our son âTomâ received a heart transplant 10 years ago.
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Article contentHeâs done great. He is very diligent about keeping in shape, taking his meds, and eating a healthy diet.
Tomâs wife âTracyâ works in a nursing home. Throughout COVID, theyâve both been extremely careful. Everyone in our family, including Tom and Tracy were vaccinated at the earliest opportunity.
Tomâs heart failure and subsequent transplant was the result of an acute viral myocarditis, so we have a healthy respect for the destruction that a virus can cause. Our family has been extra cautious because of Tomâs immunosuppressed status (and understand that because of that status, itâs likely he has reduced protection from COVID-19 even though heâs been vaccinated).
Next month, Tom and Tracy plan to share a beach house with her sister, sisterâs husband, and their 3-year-old daughter.
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Article contentTracyâs father âLouâ will also be there and will be the only unvaccinated adult present.
Tracy says her fatherâs refusal to be vaccinated has caused some friction in their relationship and that, even though sheâs disappointed in his choice, she doesnât want to discuss it with him.
My husband and I are livid.
Whatâs our role here (if any)? Weâd like to contact Lou to let him know how his decision affects not just him, but also Tom, Tracy, and potentially her nursing home residents, as well as his granddaughter, who is too young to be vaccinated. His decision could literally kill our son.
While it would be therapeutic for us to share our concerns, itâs unlikely to change his mind.
But saying nothing and giving him a pass doesnât seem like the right thing, either.
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Article contentWhat do you think?
â" Mad Mother
Dear Mother: It seems obvious that the two most medically vulnerable people in this beach house setup are your son and his father-in-law.
Yes, it seems at this point that you have little to lose in urging âLouâ to choose vaccination. No doubt, you would regret not speaking out if the elder man contracted the disease.
However, given your sonâs extreme situation, his choice to attend this house party also deserves your careful examination (and comment).
As of this writing, the latest information from Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention is: âThere is a clear message that is coming through: This is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated. ⦠Our biggest concern is we are going to continue to see preventable cases, hospitalizations and sadly deaths among the unvaccinated.â
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Article contentEven TV personality (and professional vaccine underminer) Sean Hannity seems to have decided recently that, âEnough people have died. ⦠And it absolutely makes sense for many Americans to get vaccinated.â This is hardly a call to shots-in-arms, but it might be a start.
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Dear Amy: âSurvivingâ described her experience of having cancer during the pandemic.
Like Surviving, I had my treatments during the pandemic last year when hospital and medical visits were my social life.
Working with nurses who patiently and compassionately and skillfully completed my treatments and answered my endless questions brought a close bond among us.
There can be a letdown feeling after chemo is completed, when you know you wonât see these wonderful nurses very often and after a while, not at all.
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Article contentI went through a sort of grieving process, knowing that my relationship with the nurses was now changed, even though we celebrated the end of the treatments.
And unless you have gone through serious surgeries or other treatments for serious diseases, you donât realize that just because treatment is over, the person may not be himself or herself for quite a while yet.
I have been guilty of that sort of thinking, myself, before my own ordeal.
Each of us has to get through treatments in our own way and also get through the aftermath of treatments.
â" Grateful for My Nurses
Dear Grateful: You describe an almost surreal topsy-turvy experience where because of the everyday isolation brought on by the pandemic, your contact with oncology nurses and hospital staff during your treatment became a social lifeline for you.
Talk about the âhalf fullâ glass!
Thank you so much for offering this perspective, as well as singing the praises of these wonderful nurses, who see and treat their patients through extremely challenging times.
Dear Amy: Responding to people wondering how long a person should grieve, I buried my beloved wife in April, and was so lonely that I remarried the following February â" happily.
Iâm 90 years old.
â" Buddy
Dear Buddy: Congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy marriage!
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