Popular town centre bar Definitely Maybe will once again be taking to the road after campervan fire

OWNERS of a popular town centre bar are moving forward with plans to replace their mobile bar after their 'beloved' vintage VW campervan, Supersonic, was engulfed in flames on the motorway.

Ged Gallagher and John Bennett, behind the Oasis themed Definitely Maybe bar in St Andrew's Court, were left heartbroken after the mobile bar caught alight.

But now they have plans to put a bigger and better mobile bar on the road.

The terrifying fire broke out on the M60 destroying the hard work undertaken by the two best pals.

Ged said: "On the 29th July our beloved vintage VW camper van - Supersonic - was destroyed in a motorway fire

“We had virtually finished the restoration and we’re looking forward to a Summer / Autumn of bookings.

“Motorway vehicle fires are both scary and heart-breaking as you watch months of preparation and planning disappear in minutes.”

The oil pump underneath the van caused the fire, which John was lucky to survive.

Ged said: “John was driving it and he was shaken up but luckily escaped unscathed.

“The van is 50 years old, so it is upsetting as we only had it for four months.

“But the business will continue even though it’s a big setback, we are looking to purchase another vehicle, maybe not the same but we will get something else.”


The Shakermaker.

The Shakermaker.


After the devastating fire, the duo has focused on their new gazebo bar called Shakermaker, which was a huge hit at the Bolton Food and Drink Festival in August.

Ged said: “The emergency services were fantastic and luckily no one was injured.

“After almost tow months of negotiation and sleepless nights the insurance company have paid out.

“We can now start to think about future plans as we are resilient Bolton folk and are used to life’s knock downs - we will be back.”

The two say they are remaining positive, describing themselves as resilient Bolton folk.

The duo have decided they will tow the next vehicle rather than drive it to avoid

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