Bolton News readers react to news of health experts urging schoolkids to get their coronavirus vaccine

OUR readers have had mixed reactions to news about the UK's health experts saying that children between the ages of 12 and 16 should be having the COVID-19 vaccine.

The decision takes into account the impact of the pandemic on children’s education as well as the risks to their mental health from missing school.

The move means that around three million children could be eligible for the jab and comes despite the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) deciding not to recommend mass vaccination of 12 to 15-year-olds.

But we asked our readers for their views on the news on social media.

Jenny Ellen said: "Absolutely yes, my 12-year-old wants to have it especially having seen her younger sister with COVID and her dad (who is double jabbed) being so poorly this week, who knows how poorly he may have been without the vaccine!"

Mike Guest said: "Absolutely. Both of my children are already vaccinated, for all diseases for which a vaccine is normally distributed. They're over 16 so entitled to make their own choices and I'm happy to say both ignored the rampant lies distributed by the conspiracy nuts and made their own decision to get vaccinated. I have smart kids who can tell fact from fantasy."

Joanne Hill said: "Mike Guest mine too. So proud of them both. No hesitation and had it at first opportunity."

Beki Farnworth said: "My 14-year-old has made the decision to have it, and I’m super proud of the maturity he’s shown in coming to his decision."

Louise Coward said: "Yes. I gave them the choice, and they both chose to have it."

Judith Mulroney: "I think it’s a personal decision to make and shouldn’t be made to feel bad whether they do or don’t, everybody has different reasons."

Carla Louise Gavin said: "No chance, I'm against it until they've done further research! Fair enough let us adults be Guinea pigs but not kids."


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