DC insider hopes Afghanistan teaches US not to go off on some Wall Street Journal sponsored adventure again

Democratic strategist James Carville explained that President Joe Biden isn't the one who clogged the toilet that is Afghanistan. He's merely the one flushing it.

In an earlier panel discussion former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) explained that this was always going to happen because there is no good or easy way to pull out of a country. Speaking to MSNBC's Brian Williams, James Carville echoed the sentiment saying that there's no "elegant way to lose a war."

Speaking to MSNBC's Brian Williams on Wednesday evening, Carville said that there's no elegant way to lose a war. It isn't something taught at West Point or the Naval Academy.

"We lost this war 15 years ago. All Joe Biden's doing is telling us what time it is, and the hysterical and stupid coverage in the mainstream press has been awful," he continued. He argued that Biden wanted the U.S. out of the war a long time before this and that he was right then and he's right now.

Citing the Wall Street Journal, Williams asked GOP strategist Mike Murphy to respond to allegations that Biden was "bowing to Taliban demands." Murphy explained that Trump was the one who "sent the flowers to the Taliban, giving them a phony peace in exchange for a slow-motion surrender."

Carville had a different take.

"Well, first of all, it would be a greatly benefited if the press would cover this accurately. And yes, you always have mealy-mouthed Democrats," he said noting that he's had a lot of conversations with people complaining how Biden did the withdrawal. "Do they teach a course at West Point or Annapolis or at John's Hopkins on how to lose a war? No. There's no good way to lose a war. We lost this war. We lost it a long time before Joe Biden became president. All he's doing is getting us out of there. And, I'm sorry, this is not the Battle of Midway, alright? This is a defeat and we got to understand that as a country. Of course, we pile right into this after we did Vietnam after we did Iraq. Warren Buffet said the only thing people learn from history is people never learn from history."

He said that he hopes some of the images will cause Americans to rethink before the country "goes off on some Wall Street Journal sponsored adventure around the world."

See the video below:

[embedded content] James Carville www.youtube.com

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